The GL Map, from Mapbox, is an alternative to the Google Map component. GL Maps provide some features that Google Maps do not offer, most notably layers.
A Mapbox access key is required to use this component. To obtain a Mapbox access key, go to and create an account. You can then view your key at
To add a GLMap, select the stage or group where you want the map to reside and choose Insert > Components > Mapbox GL Map.
The current extent of the map is reflected in its boundsNorth, boundSouth, boundsEast and boundsWest properties. To change the extent of the map, set these properties.
To control the overall appearance of a GL Map component, you can apply styles. To apply a style to a GL Map component, you specify the location of the style in the GL Map's Map Style property using a URL of the form mapbox://styles/:owner/:style, where :owner is your Mapbox account name and :style is the style ID.
For available styles, see
To add layers to a GL Map, selected the map and choose Insert > Components. The following types of layers can be added:
To mark locations on a GL Map marker layer using coordinate data:
Marker layers provide an animation feature that enables you to display location changes over time for specific points. To enable animation, set the layer's animatedIdValues property to true. To provide the data required to animate points, you need a table that contains, at a minimum, the latitude and longitude and a unique identifier for the point. The primary properties of interest for animating a marker layer are as follows:
The following example uses a flight location feed to populated an animated marker layer, filtering flights by country of origin as specified by the user in the text field at top left. The following figure shows the resulting map.
The data used to plot this map comes from this table:
The dataflow that generates the preceding table is composed as follows:
The string loader block loads data from The Points script block uses the following code to parse the raw data into CSV format for the CSV parser block:
var table = JSON.parse(@.input); var rows = []; table.states.forEach(function(state) { // lat/lng is not provided for planes that are on_ground if (state[8] == true) { return; } var row = state.join(',').split('null').join('').split(' ').join('').trim(); if (row.indexOf( != -1) { rows.push(row); } }); return "icao24,callsign,origin_country,time_position,time_velocity,longitude,latitude,altitude,on_ground,velocity,heading,vertical_rate,sensors\n" + rows.join('\n');
The Countries script block uses the following code to extract a list of countries for which there is flight data:
var table = JSON.parse(@.input); var rows = []; table.states.forEach(function(state) { if(state[2] != "null" && rows.indexOf(state[2]) == -1) { rows.push(state[2]); } }); var list = ''; for (var i = 0, len=rows.length; i < len; i++){ list = list + rows[i] + ","; } return list;
To implement this example:
To style areas in a Map GL map, you can populate a geoJSON layer with a set of geoJSON polygons and specify styles to be applied to specific areas using the identifier for the area. A simple example is color-coding a map of states, but you can apply styling to any map style parameter. For a list of map style parameters, see The example below is based on GeoJSON data that describes US state borders (View sample data).
To style areas on a Map GL map, add a GeoJSON layer and perform the following steps:
The following figure shows the relationships among the settings required to style individual features in a GeoJSON layer.
If you require more flexibility in styling, for example, to set multiple style settings for the same geographic feature, you can use the dataflow table to specify the style setting you want to affect and the field in the GeoJSON source that affects it. The following figure illustrates the required table columns and their relationship to the map's Style property settings.
To display tile data in a GL Map, add a tile layer to the map and set its URL property to the location of the tile data, for example:{z}/{y}/{x}
The tile layer's Tile Size property specifies tile size in pixels. Valid tile sizes are: 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512. Note that smaller tiles provide better resolution at the expense of rendering speed. Maximum tile size is 512.
The following example enables the user to choose the tile set that is displayed in the tile layer by clicking a button, as shown in the following figure.
To implement the example, perform the following steps:
To verify that you have implemented the example correctly, click Preview. When you click a button in the button group, the Selected Index of the property group changes, and the value of that property correspond to the table row that is used to populate the URL property of the tile layer, changing the display.
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